Friday, July 4, 2008

Can You Follow This Crime Trail?

Can You Follow This Crime Trail?

Further to Taxi fares up as LPG price keeps rising – 20th June 2008, Sydney Morning Herald LPG to Iraq and Discrimination please find out how do they commit crimes in Australian courts of law and screw workers in front of them by the so called ignorant lawyer of the NSW Transport Workers Union, smooth talking judge (who is seriously prejudiced and I question his neutrality) and the assassins known as “taxi mafia”!

Amazingly Labor Party politicians are virtually protecting this scam and Liberals don’t want to get involved because the workers unions are screwing workers who are not their natural constituents anyway. The Democrats are no longer in the NSW Parliament and therefore we may have only hope with the Greens.

These crimes are going on for a long time. Earlier I have contacted the Iguana Gate graduate John Della Bosca, Michael Costa and many more with no result. I am sick and tired now.

This year, basically the IPART granted a small taxi fare increase to cover the LPG price increase as the bailee drivers are forced to pay such expenses by a very questionable (I believe unlawful) deal made by the anti-worker NSW Transport Workers Union under the leadership of the war monger Senator Steve Hutchins!
Yet, Justice Marks passed all money to the “taxi mafia” with the assistance of so called legal system.

Every year I used to confront these “cliques” and they are very weary of me and my actions. I used to keep them on their toes! This year I have decided not to attend the proceedings lively narrated my good friend Ted below.

The reason behind my non attendance was due to the following reasons:

My tested and trusted friend Mike Hatrick hinted, may be they should try something different this year i.e. massaging the anti-worker TWU leadership to do the right thing (but they failed), may be some people were suspecting my style was provoking some judges and parties (due to my race, religion, look etc and therefore my presence may not be a good thing) and my good friend Ted was not confident of my suggestions and instructions.

Ironically my greedy and dishonest “student” Michael Jools attempted to “follow me or my style” in this proceeding but failed miserably due to lack of driver support and knowledge.

Nonetheless, what went on in front of Justice Marks at the IRC yesterday is a crime. This crime was started back in 1984 and many taxi industry expert suspect the former TWU Secretary Ted McBeaty may have ventured to a misadventure which costed his life and his successor Harry Queen took lots of bribe like Senator Steve Hutchins and labour lawyer Adam Hatcher who eventually became a barrister.

Still I have not given up my hope for justice and fairness.

Warning: Morons & White Trash should not enter in to this debate.

This was my first IRC Industrial Relations Commission.

I was rung to move my butt and get in there by 9.30am yesterday (thanks Mike Hatrick).

The IRC is at cnr Bridge and Phillip Sts. Where Sir Laurence Street had the grand Henry Parkes corner office 10 years ago awaiting a call to be governor of NSW, but missing out. A beautiful stone heritage building (the site of many dreadful and devious deeds).

The hearing was to decide how much increase the drivers and the operators of NSW would get.

(Metro Taxi meters have already been adjusted for a 3.8% IPART increase approved by the Minister ; 3.3% country.)

Justice Marks, 50'ish, mo, affable, smiling, (been there, done that) presided.

The "applicants" were the TIA Taxi Industry Association (Taxi Council) for operators and the TWU for drivers.
What a charade.

The TIA legal, tall, urbane, smooth, smiling experienced assassin, (also been there, done that) was there with small Peter Ramshaw of TIA / TC Ltd.

The TWU legal was a tanned, blond surfie type with cowboy boots who volunteered he did not know about the taxi industry. Good start.

It seems the IPART Report recommendations had been difficult to interpret (indeed IPART reluctantly gave guidance for IRC purposes only after strong protests from NSWTDA and TC Ltd).

Therefore TWU did not oppose, nor support the application ! WOW ! That's representation for drivers for you !

Then some light relief. Jools stood up and asked would he be permitted to "intervene"?

Who are you, who do you represent and do you have any 'status' in the IRC? asked Justice Marks sternly. And do the applicants agree? We object, said Mr smooth TIA. We ask for an adjournment said Mr surfie astutely, to find out what the "intervenor" wants.

After a brief chat, the surfie rang to get 'superior instructions' and then suggested some talks and a return to the IRC at a future date for Mr Jools to seek a new Contract Determination – which is 25 years out of date ! (And which still says $16.95 /hour 'wage rate' for taxidrivers which IPART insisted this year on using as a 'proxy' despite all logic, reason and submissions from the NSWTDA that busdrivers are paid $21 /hour plus for easier work for a 40 hour week !).

Fine, a judicial review has been mentioned for the last 4 years, said Marks who seemed to like that idea.

Such was the complete extent of any drivers' voice at the IRC hearing !

Back to work.
After the IPART Report had been handed up, and told by Mr smooth the 3.8% fare increase was not relevant, Marks said IPART had in the past kindly provided details. Instead he was directed to an obscure 2 line Table in IPART page 52 which was discussed at some length. It assessed increases in costs to drivers 4.8% and to operators 4.7%. (And the total fare increase of 3.8%) Go figure ! No-one else could. Presumably the 4.8 and 4.7% were discounted by IPART with their undefined "productivity incentives", meaning in fact arbitrary punitive reductions of the actual cost increases! And 4.8 & 4.7% presumably indicating approx 50/50 split to drivers and operators? (Given a 140 pages Final Report, lift your game in future, IPART. )

Mr smooth then handed a 'secret' schedule to Marks, arguing the IRC should proceed as it has done for the past 7 years. Just increase the Max Payin and what's left over – if anything – is for drivers. Well, what about the extraordinary fuel price increases, asked Marks several times, which the drivers suffer? Good one, Justice, right on ! But the TIA stuck to its guns – without any fuel answer – and of course the TWU had not opposed or agreed.

So finally, after an hour long charade, the IRC decided as per the 'secret' TIA schedule which Marks didn't understand, nor read out, but "on the TIA's assurance"! Accordingly, and also because of his fuel concerns, Marks pronounced his decision as per the TIA "reflecting the IPART report" to be operative from 12.01 am Sat 5July08 as an Interim Decision which could be challenged, amended or corrected if needed in 6 months.
(Maybe in concert with the 6 monthly IPART fuel review, I thought quietly.)

What a fiasco !
And so what is the result, drivers and operators ask?
Well, don't ask me, f…..d if I know !
And nobody else knows either, except the TIA, because no-one else at the hearing was given a copy of the 'secret' schedule !

What's that old saying about cleaning out the Aegean stables …


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Silencing the Truth to T-Shirt

Silencing the Truth to T-Shirt

Tonight I went to Leichardt Council meeting armed with The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction annulled abruptly by the council due to a visitation by an ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation) officer earlier! Would you believe, the ASIO officer was a Palestinian origin and he was assigned to administer the most hated and difficult legislation of the country in a very scary situation! By understanding the conspiracy behind this operation, I felt sympathetic with this unarmed young ASIO officer and reminded me about the low British casualty during the WW1 due to the blatant sacrifice of the Australian, Bangladeshi, Canadian, Indian, New Zealander, Pakistani and others on that time.

At the meeting, the Mayor took an understandably scary and compromising position. The Green councilors took a brave stand in support of free speech and they also revealed to the meeting, a few dirty tricks went on earlier behind the close doors regarding this affair. The crowed were angry, constructive and decisive. However, some Jewish group was dirty behind their spoken polished words at the meeting. They spoke about violence on “both sides” and failed to support the banning of the exhibition in public beside their role behind the back doors! Penultimately, the council would like to go ahead with future exhibitions with the assistance and consultation of both sides!! At one stage, I made an attempt to say something. However, the poor Mayor was scared of me and she did not allow me to speak despite the public demand. I suppose, she was worried about my T-Shirt rather than me!

As soon as the agenda item regarding the cancelled exhibition was over, the Zionist groups started to leave. In order to understand the real motive behind the spoken words, I went outside the chamber door and started to distribute The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction and unmasked the real story.

below. Amongst the crowed there were a few Zio-Nazis too! Some of them even work for peace, they told me with anger!! The first item on the agenda was Friends of Hebron initiated Photo and Cultural Exhibition and that show was One Zionist woman told me, “you should be inside gas chamber”.
My response was, “I knew you are a love child of Adolph Hitler”.

The other one told me, “I like to spit you .. ”.
I said to her, “you are revealing your true Zionist face i.e. brutal, intolerant and extreme”.

One person who knows me well and read me extensively, said to others, “pardon Faruque because he is not White” (paraphrasing to avoid insanity and profanity). During that exchange one gentleman expressed his dissatisfaction over the racist remark.

Another one said, “why don’t you join with Osama and blow yourself up … ”
I replied, “
Zionism is worse than Nazism and Osama is not even charged by anyone, let alone found guilty of anything. So why don’t you condemn Zionism?”

One genuine and decent Palestinian activist told me, “could you kindly change your T-Shirt because it is not helping us”. I told him, “I sympathise with you. However, you must know the actual messages of Zionism Is Incompatible With Any Civilised Society, Ugly Judaism Is Incompatible With Any Religion, Islam is Incompatible with Democracy and Crazy Faruque. I don’t think the Zionists are above the law and they don’t have any right to terrorise rest of the world and therefore I am going to speak the language they understand”.

Do you know the reason of the commotion? The T-Shirt mentioned in The Truth and Reality at the Sydney APEC Rally!

The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ was condemned by some “good” people because that movie was violent and gruesome, although based on true event! However, the same people never condemned those groups who conspired to murder Jesus at Jerusalem and his brother James at Rome later. Rather they found an unnamed Israeli expert and according to him, “Judas was carrying out the wish of God”.

Similarly, the longest running concentration camps with a stamp of infinity are located inside occupied Palestine. This slow motion Israeli holocaust in Palestine is much more painful than Hitler’s one! Yet, the ‘world’ is silent about it!

Amazingly, some of the evidence of the Israeli genocide, wholesale murders and tortures are intolerable to some chardonnay socialists and they are incapable to handle the brutality and horror of those cruelties! Therefore, they have conspired to shut down the Palestinian Photo Exhibition at Leichardt, Sydney, Australia earlier.

Surprise! Surprise, they also find children playing in mothers' cradle, schoolyards or backyards as “extremists”, “militants”, “terrorists” etc. etc. Yet, they can not condemn outsiders who are carrying passports from a God and conducting ethnic cleansing continuum in the occupied Palestine!

Faruque Ahmed
Mobile: 041 091 4118
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dishonest and Greedy Michael Jools

Dishonest and Greedy Michael Jools

Dishonest and greedy Michael Jools of the House of Australian Vagabond Dictators may have entered or fabricated a deal with Lindholt of Peer's peer and taxi mafia.

Since his defeat at the NSW Supreme court, Lindholt is supportive of taxi mafia's tools of divide and rule as well as apartheid machines like "Executive Fleet", "Silver Service" and shonky "Authorised Taxi Inspection Scheme".

On the other hand, Peer was and is supporting Michael Jools of the House of Australian Vagabond Dictators for a long time. Why is it so?

Is it possible that Jools is pushing for the installment of a new type of camera to make money under the guise of taxi drivers' safety and Lindholt is supportive of such a nasty deal!

Remember, Jools did it before! He has acted against the wish and interest of taxi drivers with an intention to make money from the Mac Bank. He also withdrew a good sum of money from the NSW TDA account without proper approval and explanation. Ironically, he was bankrupted 3 times over the last 12 years.

Further to the NSW Supreme Court directive, greedy and dishonest Michael Jolls was expelled from the NSW TDA by the NSW TDA Executive Committee and membership.