Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dishonest and Greedy Michael Jools

Dishonest and Greedy Michael Jools

Dishonest and greedy Michael Jools of the House of Australian Vagabond Dictators may have entered or fabricated a deal with Lindholt of Peer's peer and taxi mafia.

Since his defeat at the NSW Supreme court, Lindholt is supportive of taxi mafia's tools of divide and rule as well as apartheid machines like "Executive Fleet", "Silver Service" and shonky "Authorised Taxi Inspection Scheme".

On the other hand, Peer was and is supporting Michael Jools of the House of Australian Vagabond Dictators for a long time. Why is it so?

Is it possible that Jools is pushing for the installment of a new type of camera to make money under the guise of taxi drivers' safety and Lindholt is supportive of such a nasty deal!

Remember, Jools did it before! He has acted against the wish and interest of taxi drivers with an intention to make money from the Mac Bank. He also withdrew a good sum of money from the NSW TDA account without proper approval and explanation. Ironically, he was bankrupted 3 times over the last 12 years.

Further to the NSW Supreme Court directive, greedy and dishonest Michael Jolls was expelled from the NSW TDA by the NSW TDA Executive Committee and membership.

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